Clean up after your kids with tea tree oil

26th Jun 2012

As all parents will know, sometimes it seems like the trail of mess that kids leave behind is never ending.

No matter how perfectly you put everything away every evening, the next day the same toys, books and clothing are bound to be strewn across their room once more.

However, many mums and dads will agree that it is not the mess they dislike - its finding crumbs stuck to their toys and bits of food hiding in unforeseen places that is the real challenge when it comes to looking after young kids.

It's hard to keep a child clean when they are eating, let alone wipe every last bit of food off them before they escape back to their toy box and spread the mess even further.

This is where water soluble tea tree oil comes in. As an antiseptic and antibacterial, this oil is a great non-toxic way to keep hard, plastic toys including trucks, cars and dolls clean.

Simply mix approximately 30 millilitres of the water soluble oil with about half a litre of water and then place in a spray atomiser pump.

Armed with this mixture, you will be able to follow that trail of mess and catch up germs and grease before your kids can say "I'm hungry!"


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